Book review: Global Islamophobia

Have written a book review of George Morgan & Scott Poynting, eds, Global Islamophobia: Muslims and Moral Panic in the West for the upcoming edition of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy from QUT. As it happens it’s my first academic publication. You can access the review here.


Got a new article up on Counterpunch, Collapse: A Foregone Conclusion. Read it here:

Deakin HDR Summer School poster

Been working on this for the last 4-6 weeks. Every image and feature was a separate Photoshop layer, which made the Mac shit itself in new and unexpected ways on more than one occasion. Stood up to an A0 image being worked on at 300dpi by a mental case like yours truly in the end


Made a Pinterest. Going to add some of the material I find in the course of my research there in case anyone’s interested in following up on it.