Q&A Tweets

Not honestly much a fan of manged debate. I collect Q&A tweets using my twitter account (periodically renamed due to OCD tendencies). In no semblance of real order, and by way of demonstrating I consistently make way more sense than anyone who actually appears on the show: 2024 edit: these are aging now as I’ve

Media Hype, Imaginary Hobgoblins: Malcolm And Peter’s Politics Of Moral Panic

Homelessness? Housing unaffordability? Domestic violence epidemic? Growing income inequality? Climate change? Support for renewables? Nope. Apparently the main issue confronting the Victorian state election later in the year will be african youth gangs. Sat up to the very wee small hours of the morning writing up a piece on the federal government’s sleazy, vile and

Letter to Australian senators re. proposed lifetime ban on asylum seekers entering Australia

(The proposed lifetime ban on asylum seekers entering Australia has passed the lower house. You too can email cross-bench senators without even getting out of bed! * senator.hinch[at]aph.gov.au … (03) 9820 2222 * senator.lambie[at]aph.gov.au … (03) 6431 2233 * senator.xenophon[at]aph.gov.au … (08) 8232 1144 * senator.kakoschke-moore[at]aph.gov.au … (08) 8232 0220 * senator.leyonhjelm[at]aph.gov.au … (02) 9719