Rising above the thinking behind Climate Change: World-Ecology and Worker’s Control

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” – Albert Einstein In even attempting to enter discussion around global warming, we are immediately confronted with multiple contending arguments and perspectives. At the baseline,  we can generally agree that global warming exists, presenting the actual existential threat to human civilization

Challenging the entrepreneurial discourse around women home-based workers’ empowerment

This article explores dominant entrepreneurship discourse and practice surrounding informal women home-based workers, and their relationship to goals of individual empowerment. We argue that conventional neoliberal entrepreneurship discourse conflates empowerment and performativity, linking the capacity of women to develop greater agency with their incorporation into an economic regime with predetermined roles, labelled ‘empowerment’. Applying a

Social Ecology in the Capitalocene @ Harbinger

New journal piece from yours truly at the revamped website for the journal of the Institute of Social Ecology, Harbinger. Social ecology and world-ecology are two prominent streams of radical ecological thought and praxis today. Yet despite significant thematic overlap and potential complementarity, the traditions have rarely converged. This fact invites us to explore areas

Halal Certification Uproar: The Muslim Scapegoat as National Safety Valve

Debney, B. (2019). Halal Certification Uproar: The Muslim Scapegoat as National Safety Valve. In C. M. Hall, The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism. Routledge. Halal food certification is a service provided by Islamic religious authorities to food manufacturers to certify that their processes and products meet the dietary and customary standards required

The Scare Cycle: Moral Panics and National Elections

Have an article on moral panics and national election cycles in the latest issue of Arena Journal, No 47/48: ‘The Scare Cycle.’ https://www.academia.edu/34712586/The_Scare_Cycle_Moral_Panics_and_National_Elections Order your copy and/or subscribe at the journal website: http://arena.org.au/arena-journal-contents-pages/ #neveradmitfailure #inventbogeymen #scapegoattheweak #keepthepeasantsterrified #historyrepeats #politicsasusual #auspolitics

The Booger Peril

‘The Booger Peril: A History of Things to Come’ is a novel I self published in January 2016. I had had the general idea for years and started writing after finishing an MA in history at Melbourne University in 2011, on the basis of various facts I picked up doing that. A history book falls