Render Unto the Beast

First short story I’ve written in years; wrote it for a short story competition in 2015. It didn’t win. It didn’t even place. I’m still happy with it. * An electronic device on the bedside table begins a dull drumbeat, like your heart pounding inside your head as you face a firing squad. Like maybe

The Booger Peril

‘The Booger Peril: A History of Things to Come’ is a novel I self published in January 2016. I had had the general idea for years and started writing after finishing an MA in history at Melbourne University in 2011, on the basis of various facts I picked up doing that. A history book falls

What a Terrorist Incident in Rome Can Teach Us

IN the autumn of 68 B.C. the world’s only military superpower was dealt a profound psychological blow by a daring terrorist attack on its very heart. Rome’s port at Ostia was set on fire, the consular war fleet destroyed, and two prominent senators, together with their bodyguards and staff, kidnapped. The incident, dramatic though it

Case Study: Karen

From the Australian Greens: So, the Minister for Counter-Terrorism has given education ministers “radicialisation awareness information kits” for their students to help identify warning signs of radicalisation in young people. Meet Karen. Karen went to an environmental protest one afternoon with her friends. She describes it as “exhilarating, fun and she felt like she was

Book review: Global Islamophobia

Have written a book review of George Morgan & Scott Poynting, eds, Global Islamophobia: Muslims and Moral Panic in the West for the upcoming edition of the International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy from QUT. As it happens it’s my first academic publication. You can access the review here.

The Eyeball End

Poster for launch of ‘The Eyeball End’ – punk rock travel book by the one, the initimable Ali MC, designed by yours truly. Reading the book at the moment, it’s a ripper.

Release the Dubs

Cover design for Release the Dubs, remix LP from local Melbourne crew New Dub City. Had a lot of fun with this one; super stoked with the way it turned out too. The release itself is top notch, proves Melbourne is capable of producing quality dub beats with the best. Available as download from bandcamp