Counterpunch, May 8-10
Got another article up at, written in the aftermath of the execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran by the Indonesian government: Drug Trafficking and the Politics of Vengeance.
Got another article up at, written in the aftermath of the execution of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran by the Indonesian government: Drug Trafficking and the Politics of Vengeance.
Not a bad essay this one. THE PREDICAMENT OF MAN By Arthur Koestler Excerpted from his book The Ghost in the Machine. All our Righteousness are as filthy rags. – ISAIAH lXIV The postulated polarity of integrative versus self-assertive potentials in biological and social systems is fundamental to the present theory. It follows logically from…
Still needs some grip but sure is fun to roll around on.
Got a new article up on Counterpunch, Collapse: A Foregone Conclusion. Read it here:
It’s too hot to read, write, or do anything, so I fired up Ableton.
Been working on this for the last 4-6 weeks. Every image and feature was a separate Photoshop layer, which made the Mac shit itself in new and unexpected ways on more than one occasion. Stood up to an A0 image being worked on at 300dpi by a mental case like yours truly in the end…
William Purdue conducts a survey of terrorism in a variety of forms, though differing from mainstream studies of terrorism insofar as, rather than focusing on terrorism from below, he focuses on terrorism from above, on official state terrorism. In so doing he argues that official state terrorism is far more pervasive and destructive than the…
The 2014 remake of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is a great movie. It also features a sequence which, from the point of view of the history of international relations, provides a surprisingly accurate metaphor for the use of moral panics as instruments of statecraft. In this particular sequence we see two processes…
Cover design for David Rovics’s new CD ‘Falaseen Habibti’ (‘I Love Palestine’).
My tweet made it onto Q&A the other month. Funny thing was I wasn’t really watching; had flipped over on the ad break.