The Chicken and the Egg

You know that old riddle about the chicken and the egg and which came first? I…

I think after almost 20 years I finally made sense of Mulholland Drive

[Spoiler warnings] I think Mulholland Drive is a movie about how Hollywood seduces and destroys people.…

Is Politics Getting Worse, Or Are We Getting a Better Handle on How Bad It Has Always Been?

In assessing the present condition of things, the endemic corruption and open hostility on the part…

Mixtape CD

Have released a mix CD containing tracks from my last 4 bandcamp releases. Streaming and downloading…

Q&A Tweets

Not honestly much a fan of manged debate. I collect Q&A tweets using my twitter account…

New EP ‘Cluster B’

Proud to announce the release of my new EP ‘Cluster B.’

New Amazon Kindle eBook! ‘On Becoming What We Claim to Oppose: The Unwanted Lessons of the Russian Revolution’

Just published an ebook on Amazon Kindle: ‘The centenary of the Russian Revolution of October 1917…

iTunes / Google Play / Amazon / Spotify

Discovered Discokid! They rule!

Maybe there was no collusion. What if there was?

    Gary Leupp, who has written good material in the past for Counterpunch, asks ‘What…

Media Hype, Imaginary Hobgoblins: Malcolm And Peter’s Politics Of Moral Panic

Homelessness? Housing unaffordability? Domestic violence epidemic? Growing income inequality? Climate change? Support for renewables? Nope. Apparently…