Iced Tea

This recipe is called the Bomb Diggity because that’s what it is. I’ve made a few shitty batches of iced tea lately, but then today I made this and it was awesome. You will need: 1 Pot (to mix the iced tea in, not to smoke you fool) 1 Packet Camomile teabags 1 Packet Green

Panic Hiding in Plain Sight: The Terror Scare

“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them.” – Philip K. Dick The use of the term ‘War on Terror’ to describe the West’s campaign of military aggression in and around Iraq over

Crises Worthy and Otherwise: Terror Scare vs. Climate Change

ussr.vs.isis‘Never let a good crisis go to waste,’ Winston Churchill famously remarked. Famed for leading the Allied opposition to Nazi aggression during WW2, Churchill was no doubt aware more than many of the political value of crises, particularly to anyone looking for some scapegoat or other onto whom to shift the blame for the undesirable effects of policies for which they themselves were responsible.


Made a Pinterest. Going to add some of the material I find in the course of my research there in case anyone’s interested in following up on it.