Petrodollar Genocide

It is a particular irony of imperialist aggression in the Middle East that, thanks to decades-old geopolitical arrangements known as ‘petrodollar recycling,’ the Middle East finances its own invasions.

A world of slaves under his eye: totalitarian attacks on reproductive justice

Reproductive justice has always been a bugbear for reactionaries and totalitarians. A woman who enjoys bodily autonomy and controls her own womb is free of the control of male supremacist hierarchies—those associated with the fundamentalism problematised in the mentalities of official enemies, but warmly embraced when benefitting traditionally privileged classes and the ideological status quo

Rising above the thinking behind Climate Change: World-Ecology and Worker’s Control

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them.” – Albert Einstein In even attempting to enter discussion around global warming, we are immediately confronted with multiple contending arguments and perspectives. At the baseline,  we can generally agree that global warming exists, presenting the actual existential threat to human civilization