Murdoch and the IPA Politicise Freedom in Battlelines for Next Year’s Elections

Ongoing protests over Victorian state government lockdowns and vaccine mandates are emerging as fodder for ‘moral panic’ feeding into the 2022 Australian election cycle. A strategy as old as the hills, moral panics create an atmosphere of polarisation that offers cover for political blame-shifting and victim-blaming, allowing corrupt and bought candidates to reinvent themselves as

Challenging the entrepreneurial discourse around women home-based workers’ empowerment

This article explores dominant entrepreneurship discourse and practice surrounding informal women home-based workers, and their relationship to goals of individual empowerment. We argue that conventional neoliberal entrepreneurship discourse conflates empowerment and performativity, linking the capacity of women to develop greater agency with their incorporation into an economic regime with predetermined roles, labelled ‘empowerment’. Applying a

Media Hype, Imaginary Hobgoblins: Malcolm And Peter’s Politics Of Moral Panic

Homelessness? Housing unaffordability? Domestic violence epidemic? Growing income inequality? Climate change? Support for renewables? Nope. Apparently the main issue confronting the Victorian state election later in the year will be african youth gangs. Sat up to the very wee small hours of the morning writing up a piece on the federal government’s sleazy, vile and