Counterpunch. 14 October 2022. ‘Green Wall Street’: On the Extractivist Co-Option of Ecological Politics’

Counterpunch. 25 May 2022. Culture wars defend the minority of the opulent from the majority

Overland. 10 May 2022. Culture war and conspiracism as election strategy

Counterpunch. 9 May 2022. A World of Slaves Under His Eye: Reproductive Justice vs Totalitarianism

Counterpunch. 22 April 2022. Culture War as Policy Strategy in Australia

Counterpunch. 25 March 2022.  Marxism against Marxism

Counterpunch. 21 January 2022. Corporate Media Spin in Defence of Transnational Mining Operations in Ecuador

Counterpunch. 26 November 2021. Murdoch and the IPA Politicise Freedom in Battlelines for Next Year’s Elections

Counterpunch. 24 September 2021. Is Australia’s Anti-Lockdown Movement a Creature of Corporate Dark Money?

Neoliberalistan. 5 August 2021. The personal is political. The private isn’t

Counterpunch. 20 June 2021. Capitalism Can’t Innovate on Ideas

Neoliberalistan. 1 April 2021. Wokewashing the money cult: ideological coping mechanisms in the end-time

Counterpunch. 14 March 2021. Pathological Entitlement and the Supremacist Mindset

Counterpunch. 8 November 2020: Liberal Capitalism is Dead

Counterpunch. 7 August 2020: The Neoliberal Virus

Counterpunch. 23 March 2020: The Political Uses of Pandemic

Anarchist Studies. 31 October 2019: The Fordist Baggage of Anarcho-Syndicalism

Counterpunch. 11 October 2019: Liberals, Class and the Joker Complex

Neoliberalistan. 25 September 2019: A Penal State of Mind.

Neoliberalistan. 24 September 2019: Rising Above the Thinking that Created the Climate Crisis

Counterpunch. 6 May, 2019: Crisis-Afflicted Humanity is like an Alzheimer’s Patient Lost in the Forest

Organise! Spring 2019: The Scare Cycle – Moral Panics and National Elections

Counterpunch. 15 March, 2019: Christchurch, the White Victim Complex and Savage Capitalism

Counterpunch. 4 February, 2019: Is Politics Getting Worse, Or Are We Getting a Better Handle on How Bad It Has Always Been?

Neoliberalistan. 5 November, 2018: Moral panic as an election strategy

The Shovel. 17 July, 2018: Winner Of US Election Meets With Donald Trump In Helsinki

Counterpunch. 23 May, 2018: A Faustian Bargain with the Climate Crisis

Libcom. 29 March, 2018: The role of the left in the rise of far-right populism

New Matilda. 4 January, 2018: Media Hype, Imaginary Hobgoblins: Malcolm And Peter’s Politics Of Moral Panic

Counterpunch. 10 November, 2017: The Perpetual Victimhood of Privilege

Counterpunch. 25 August, 2017: The Predictable Casualties of Counter-Terrorism

Counterpunch. 9 June, 2017: The Paranoid Style of Counter-Terrorism 25 April, 2017: Trump and Ur-Fascism

Counterpunch. 10 April, 2017: It’s Freedom White Phosphorus, Damn Commies

Counterpunch. 24 March, 2017: Outrage from the Imperial Playbook

Counterpunch. Vol 24, No. 2: Refugees vs. Climate Change: Worthy vs. Unworthy Victims

Counterpunch. 16 March, 2017: The Paradox of Identity Politics

New Matilda. 26 February, 2017: The Short Sell: Penalty Rates, Reaganomics and the ‘Jobs Motive’ 26 February, 2017: The Promise of Post-Capitalist Unionism 2 January, 2017: Revolutions and the reproduction of injustice 18 November, 2016: Competitive individualism: a critique

Counterpunch. 14 November, 2016: Adolf Hitler: A Political Archetype of the Dunning-Kruger Effect 12 November, 2016: Adolf Hitler: A Political Archetype of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Counterpunch. 9 November, 2016: Death Rattle Politics

Counterpunch. 2 September, 2016: Mental Illness is Not to Blame for Terrorism

Counterpunch. 26 August, 2016: The Swimsuit That Overthrew the State

Counterpunch. 19 August, 2016: Worthy and Unworthy Victims of Child Abuse

Counterpunch. 5 August, 2016: Sorry Hillary, Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils is Textbook Blame-Shifting

Counterpunch. 20 July, 2016: 80 Years Ago This Week Economic Democracy Was (Briefly) a Thing

Counterpunch. 24 June, 2016: Homophobia and the Conservative Victim Complex

Arena. #142, Winter 2016: ‘Scum of the Earth’: People Smugglers in Myth and Reality

Counterpunch. 14 June, 2016: Why is Hate Crime Terrorism?

Morning Star (UK). 31 May, 2016: The Hip Hop Underground is in Safe Zombie Hands

Counterpunch. 29 April, 2016: Kush Zombies: QELD’s Hat Tip to Old School Hip Hop

Counterpunch. 25 March, 2016: Bin Laden Won the War on Terror.

Counterpunch. 11 March, 2016: Therapeutic Psychodrama as Campaign Strategy.

Counterpunch. 25 February, 2016: Kill the Poor.

Arena. #140, Summer 2015-16: Halal Hysteria

Isocracy. 25 January, 2016: On the Continuing Prevalence of Racism.

Counterpunch. 14 December, 2015: The Language of Moral Panic: “Radicalization” vs. “Extremism”.

Counterpunch. 7 December, 2015: On Being the Gatekeeper of Your Own Nightmares.

Counterpunch. 16 November, 2015: After Paris You’re Meant to Hate Refugees.

Counterpunch. November, 2015: The Political Economy of Scapegoating.

Counterpunch. 8 October, 2015: Trump, Guns and Mental Illness.

Counterpunch. 2-4 October, 2015: Zombies on a Runaway Train.

Counterpunch. 22 August, 2015: Modern Newspeak Dictionary III.

Counterpunch. 31 July, 2015: Modern Newspeak Dictionary II.

Counterpunch. 22 July, 2015: Modern Newspeak Dictionary.

Overland. 2 July, 2015. Witches, Terrorists and the ABC.

Counterpunch. 29 June, 2015: Tony Abbott’s Australia: Madness or Design?

Counterpunch. 8-10 May, 2015: Drug Trafficking and the Politics of Vengenace

Overland. 9 April, 2015. Hockey’s Entitlement Issues.

Counterpunch. 27-29 March, 2015: Collapse, A Foregone Conclusion 30 March, 2015: Whiteness: The Great National Safety Valve 30 March, 2015: How ‘Dawn of the Planet of the Apes’ is a Great Metaphor for the US Response to the 9-11 Attacks, Amongst Other Things 7 October, 2014: Panic Hiding in Plain Sight: The Terror Scare 25 September, 2014: Crises Worthy and Otherwise: Terror Scare vs. Climate Change

Short Stories

2015. Ships in the Night

2015. Render Unto the Beast



The Booger Peril: A History of Things to Come: A history book falls through a wormhole from the future. It describes a moral panic that develops over immigrants from outer space after Earth makes contactwith aliens (or as I like to call them, ‘space terrorists’).

The Domestic Peril: The Radical Alien and the Rise of Corporate Americanism, 1912 – 1919: In the years preceding the First World War, corporate propaganda in the United States weighed in against the menace of the ?radical alien,’ said to be a clear and present threat to American freedoms. This propaganda blamed strikes and other manifestations of class antagonism on unassimilated immigrants, who it claimed were, at best, vulnerable to peddlers of ?un-American’ unionism, and, at worst, importers of the ?alien’ ideologies upon which organised labour was said to be founded. This thesis argues that, in reaction to the Lawrence Strike of 1912, composed mostly of foreign-born workers and led by the hated Industrial Workers of the World, big business manipulated half-truths through propaganda to develop the mythology of the ?radical alien,’ responding to the perceived peril with the movement to ?Americanise’ the immigrant. Under the guise of providing lessons in English and Civics, this movement functioned to neutralise the threat of union militancy on the part of foreign-born workers by indoctrinating them in Corporate Americanist civic orthodoxies.