The Sleeper Must Awaken LP
The Sleeper Must Awaken LP Hensley Stout Recordings 2017 hensleystout001
The Sleeper Must Awaken LP Hensley Stout Recordings 2017 hensleystout001
(The proposed lifetime ban on asylum seekers entering Australia has passed the lower house. You too can email cross-bench senators without even getting out of bed! * senator.hinch[at] … (03) 9820 2222 * senator.lambie[at] … (03) 6431 2233 * senator.xenophon[at] … (08) 8232 1144 * senator.kakoschke-moore[at] … (08) 8232 0220 * senator.leyonhjelm[at] … (02) 9719…
For the last couple of weeks I have been helping Corporate Accountability Research prepare a series of 19 reports evaluating non-judicial redress mechanisms for human rights abuses. My graphic design handiwork and the reports, which have been five years in the making, are up on the web here (I was also responsible for the website).
I think, therefore I am. I think and act for myself, therefore I am. I think and act for myself in recognising the existence of others with equal capacities as mine and the equal right to exercise them, therefore I am. Except we live in a world hostile to individual freedoms, and therefore to self-actualisation… ‘Moral judgment about the historical events with which War on Terror narratives have become associated has become implicit in the mere act of referring to them. As a result of the currency it has gained through widespread usage in the mass media, irrespective of its patent lack of objectivity, usage of the proper noun…
One day, long ago, a man stood where a city would be built and said, out of this city will be built a graveyard for the autonomous creativity of the mass, and it was done. And that city grew, and it churned and heaved with the sweat and frustration of the many, and the masters…
This is the text of a paper I presented at the Australian History Association annual conference ‘Boom to Bust,’ organized in conjunction with Federation University, in Ballarat, Victoria, in July 2016. Abstract. This paper will look at moral panics over the presence of Chinese diggers on the Victorian goldfields and examine the commonalities between anti-Chinese…
We must have oppression or we will have chaos. If you think for yourself the terrorists win. The interests of the privileged and those of the many are more or less the same thing, thus to serve the few is to serve the public good. The truth of an idea is determined by the number…
This week celebrates the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Spanish Civil War and Revolution, the momentous end to some six to seven decades of radical worker organizing, equal parts vibrant and brutally violent and inspired by the emissary of Mikhail Bakunin, Giuseppi Fanelli, in his visit to the country in 1868. As those…